Introduction phpFox

By PHPFOX 9:53 AM 0 nhận xét

PhpFox is a leading provider in social networking software that today powers thousands of communities that range from all sort of niche's and business models.


Raymond Benc founded phpFox July 2005, which is when version 1.0.3 was released. Our very first public release. Development of the first versions of phpFox took place in 2004, while Raymond was working on his own personal social network. During the development of phpFox Raymond saw the need from others to want to open their own social network and shifted his development of the product towards the public.
Our entire team is located all over the globe, which allows us to keep in touch with all of our clients within their respective time zones.
Benc Enterprises Eftr AB is a privately held company registered in Sweden.
Start your social network today and learn why phpFox is "The Future of Social Networking".



Admin Approval
You or your staff can approve apps before they go public.
Likes & Comments
We keep your users active by giving them the ability to easily Like or comment on an app.
Developers can create secure Apps and place them on their own servers. You have no worries about the security of your own server as we pass information between your server and the developers App server securely.
App Store
You can create your very own App store. Your users decide what Apps they want to install and once installed can easily access them from their dashboard or main drop down menu.
Mobile Friendly
Apps are not bound to only be used on your site. Developers can even create mobile Apps and take advantage of the powerful and secure API system we provide.
Fan Page
Each App has their own custom fan page where developers can support and promote their App to your community.
Apps can be categorized in custom categories, which you have full control to edit direct from the AdminCP. We provide an awesome list of default categories to get you started.

Pages & Groups

Admin Approval
You or your staff can approve apps before they go public.
We keep your users active by giving them the ability to easily Like an app.
Page or Group
You define categories from the AdminCP. These categories control if a Page is to be considered a conventional Page, where users "Like" the page or if it is a Group; where users join the Group. We have fully integrated Groups and Pages into one highly powerful fully featured module.
Activity Feed
Each Page/Group comes with its very own Activity Feed allowing users to write on the wall, upload photos and attach links.
Own Community
We provide tons of features with Pages and each page includes the ability for your users to create events, discussions, upload songs, photos and videos.
Post as Page
When you are an Admin of a Page you can post as that page or as yourself on the activity wall. Additionally you can login as a Page and fully interact with your inner community as the Page itself.
Landing Page
You can control the default landing page of your page. It can be set to the Wall, Info, Events, Discussions, Music, Photos or Videos.
Advanced Permissions
As an Admin of a Page you have full control of who can add or view items on your Page. This is from sharing an event to viewing a discussion.
Invite Friends
Page Admins can mass invite their friends to check out their page.
Vanity URL
Each page can have a unique vanity URL on your site giving a more personal "profile" feel.
Multiple Admins
Pages can have multiple admins. Easily add more admins while you manage your page.
Each page has support for Widgets. This is the ability to create custom sub-sections to placing blocks on the landing page. Handy for ad campaigns or for showing a new product.
Group Registration
You can setup your group to allow anyone to register. Additionally you can set it to where you have to approve users before they are a member or only allow users that have been invited by admins to join the group.


Quick Share
By default we provide the ability for your users to share a status update, photos, links, polls, blogs, songs and videos direct from the activity feed.
Privacy Control
Similar to when adding items to the site you can control the privacy of your activity feed entry. Learn more about privacy control here.
Share on Facebook/Twitter

You can easily share your posts on Facebook and Twitter. You only need to connect to their site once and after that its just a click away.
Auto Load
We automatically load more feeds for your users without having them click on a link to view more feeds. You can control direct from the AdminCP how many times we should auto load feeds for your users.
Activity feeds by default can be found on a users dashboard and their own profile. Additionally Pages and Events have their own activity feed. This allows 3rd party products to easily integrate their product with our activity feed.
Public or Friends Feeds
Admins can decide if the activity added to the live feeds is for everyone to see or just for the person and their friends.
Like or Unlike Feeds
If enabled by Admins certain feeds can be liked or unliked. Once a feed is liked the owner of that feed is notified so they can keep track of who likes their posts.
Commenting on Feeds
On each activity feed your members can comment and discuss what they liked about the item on the spot.


Auto Loading
We have a large database to help automatically load our mobile theme for most mobile and hand held devices by default.
Feature Rich
Most of the features that can be viewed on the main site can also be viewed on the mobile theme.
Theme Friendly
Each theme can have its own mobile style. This will allow you to easily create a unique mobile theme for your community.


Invite Only
You can transform your community into an "Invite Only" social network.
Full Control of Items
Users can control who can view an item by setting the privacy of the item to either "Everyone, Friends, Friends of Friends, Only Me or Custom".
Control Comments
Users can control who can comment on the items they have posted. They can set the privacy to "Everyone, Friends, Friends of Friends or Only Me".
Custom Lists
Custom friends lists can be used to control exactly who can view an item you posted on the community.
Friends Only Community
By enabling our "Friends Only" community setting this will only show items (eg. blogs, photos, polls etc...) posted by your friends

AJAX Browsing

Improved Scalability
Since AJAX Browsing only loads the main content of the site there is no need to load any of the extra headers, which means your site will save on loading those large JavaScript and CSS files making it much faster to browse.
User Friendly
Your users can now simultaneously carry on a chat or send a PM without having to worry about the page refreshing.
SEO Friendly
AJAX Browsing only works on browsers that support this very new functionality and most top browsers today has support for this. You don't need to worry about search bots, they will be able to reach your site the old conventional 


Custom Pages
Creating a new page for your site shouldn't be hard and with phpFox it isn't. Our page editor allows you to create pages direct from your Admin Control Panel. It gives you the power to create a custom SEO url and includes the ability to include your own meta keywords and description. You can attach a menu to your page so your users can easily access it. The page also supports PHP, BBCode and our internal HTML template code.
Easy Management
Our CMS management is located in your Admin Control Panel and is split up into 3 types of management, which include Menus, Blocks and Pages.
Drag & Drop New Blocks
You can now easily drag and drop a new block anywhere on your site. You will see the output of the block right away making it easier to manage blocks on your community.
Easily Move Blocks
We give you the option to easily drag and drop blocks direct from your AdminCP or you can use our DnD Mode, which allows you to drag and drop blocks anywhere on the site. Making it much easier to create a unique look for your community.
HTML & PHP Support for Blocks
Blocks can connect to PHP files on your server, which is how most of our blocks are built; however we also provide you the easy method of creating a block direct from your Admin Control Panel and you can simply use HTML or even PHP to create your very own block and place it anywhere on the site.
Menu Placements
Menus can be placed in several locations. You can place it in one of the 5 default main locations we provide. For each menu you add you can add child menus to that parent menu. You can also add menus to specific sections (eg. Just for blogs or videos), which would turn out to be a sub-menu. You can also order the positioning of menus so you can specify which menu should show up first and/or last.
Privacy Control
Each Block, Menu and Page has privacy settings so you can control which user group can view the specific block, menu or page.


With over 330 ways (and growing) to control what a user can or can't do on your site you can easily create subscription plans and charge your users to upgrade in order to use certain features..
Payment Gateways API
We have included with our product support for both PayPal and 2checkout giving you the best of what both companies can provide for online payments.
Ad Campaigns
You can monetize your social network with our advanced ad campaigns that gives you full control to who can view each specific ad based on a users location, gender and even their age group. 
User Based Ads
Your users can easily create ads using our advanced ad designer and you get full control how much ads cost based on up to 10 different locations on your site. 
Sell Marketplace Listings
Your users can easily sell items on your marketplace and payments go directly to their PayPal or 2checkout account.
Sponsor Items
If your users have an image or maybe a marketplace listing they want to be sure all your members see they can sponsor items on your site. You have full control how much it costs to sponsor an item


Your users can use emoticons throughout the site to express how they feel. By default we support common emoticon expressions used over the web and more emoticon packages can be added direct from the Admin Control Panel.
Modular Based

phpFox is modular based and this allows developers to easily create their own set of modules and not have to worry about modifying modules created by us or other 3rd party developers. Not only is it easier on developers it is easier on you when managing features via the AdminCP as you can with a click of a button enable or disable specific modules.
Active Development Community
We are proud of our community and all the great products, hacks, modules, plug-ins and themes they have shared to enhance your community. Check it out here.
Language Packages
Features that our powered by products rule our extensions database, however language packages for international and growing communities are very important and we provide a powerful language package manager that gives full control over all the phrases as well as import or export completed language packages.
Plug-in Support
We understand the importance of creating a unique social networking site and to help we have created a very powerful plug-in system that allows other developers to create products that include plug-in "hooks". These hooks can interact and modify the behavior of our product, without ever actually touching our source code; which gives you no headaches at all when upgrading our product to a newer version in the future.
Fully Documented
We provide our development community with as much information as we possibly can to allow them to build great products on top of ours. Within our wiki we provide detailed information on how to develop new plug-ins to full out modules for our product.
Product Management
We provide you with a very powerful product management section that allows you to keep up-to-date with all the 3rd party products you have installed. You can easily activate or deactivate a product you have installed. Installing a product is as simple as uploading it to your server and clicking the "Install" link. It's that easy!

Theme Management

Full Control Direct from AdminCP
You can edit the entire look of your social networking community direct from the comfort of your Admin Control Panel. This includes changing the logo, editing HTML templates and changing the CSS of your site. You can also edit files from your favorite text editor or IDE. We simply give Admins to option to edit these files direct from their AdminCP if they want too.
Themes & Styles
phpFox has support for both Themes and Styles. A Theme control the basic layout and structure of your site. Themes are mainly made up off HTML template files. Each theme has a few controlling template files and with just these few files you could change the entire look off your site to be a very unique social networking community. Each Theme can have as many Styles. Styles control the colors, fonts, font sizes; basically the CSS and icons for your site. Since each Theme can have many Styles you can have many different color schemes with the one look.
No Overwrites
Since you can make changes to your theme and styles direct from the AdminCP you will never have to worry about upgrading to a new version of ours as we never overwrite your changes. We only overwrite our own files on the server but never your changes.
Import/Export Themes & Styles
Importing and exporting themes or styles is just a click away. To export a style or theme all you need to do is click the export link and you are on your way to receive a ZIP archive of your entire Theme or Style; which can be saved or released to others for free or for a fee. Importing a theme or style requires uploading the theme to your server and then clicking the "Install" link from the theme manager.
Create New CSS or HTML File
You can create a brand new CSS or HTML file direct from the AdminCP and connect these files to a new page you could be working on.
Change Logo
For each of your themes you can easily change the logo direct from your AdminCP. We also provide the option to automatically resize a logo for you so it perfectly fits on your site.
More themes & style
phpFox comes by default with 2 themes that will have a total of 4 styles to choose from. There are additional themes & styles provided by designers at the Addon's Theme Section.
Create Your Own Theme or Style
You can create your very own theme or style direct from our theme manager. By creating your own style you can make all the changes you want and keep our default theme intact.
Parent Support
Each theme or style has the ability to have a parent theme. What this does is make it easy on designers to only edit the files they need to change. For example using our default theme and style as a parent you could create a new theme with a new style by just editing 2 files. With just these 2 files you could give your site an entirely new look.


User Groups
When using a feature on the site it is usually tied into a user group, which in return gives you the control with what each user group can do; from things like uploading an image or writing a blog to viewing a secret group direct from the Admin Control Panel. With well over 330 settings and growing this gives you the full power to control what each user can or can't do on your community.
Admins can write announcements for all the members on the site to see from either their dashboard or by visiting the announcement section.
Manage System Settings
We provide over 340 system settings that give you control over how you want your community to work.
System Overview
Our system overview provides vital information about your server and the state it is in.
SQL Tools
We provide powerful SQL tools that lets you optimize, repair or backup your database direct from the AdminCP.
IP Address Search
Using our IP address search tool you can find out what the user with the specific IP address has been up to on your site.
Your own staff may need to send out information to all your users or a specific user group and this can be done by sending out newsletters via emails or internal private messages.
Attachment Support
Several sections on the site like Blogs or Marketplace listings have support to attach items to it. You have full control with what users can attach to these items.
Overall Maintenance
We provide several tools to help you maintain your website. These tools include:
Cache Manager
Remove Duplicate Entries
Update Site Counters
Ban Filters
We provide a very powerful ban filter that allows you to...
ban user names upon registration
ban emails upon registration
ban display name upon registration
ban IP addresses
filter naughty words
We also include the ability to use a wild card (*) filter, which allows you to easily ban an IP range for example:
Country Manager
You can easily manage countries by using our Country Manager. Each country can have its own set of states or provinces and you can easily import new countries from a text file.
Who's Online
From your AdminCP you can view all the activity on your site including those from non-members and search bots.


Start your custom social network today!

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