phpFox 4.2.0 Released

By PHPFOX 6:07 AM 0 nhận xét

Our phpFox team is pleased to announce the release of our V4.2.0. This release features some improvements and new apps. Please see our live demo to take it for a test drive.

Our theme manager now includes much easier customization and theme management.
theme manager
Our apps system now allows developers to easily port their V3 modules into V4 apps, installed easily via the familiar App manager. Clients that previously asked for more app install options now will find SSH, FTP and File System as options to choose when installing apps. This should resolve issues seen on some hosts. You will need unzip on the server still though. **This feature is delayed until 4.2.1 next week due to a last minute change.
file upload
IM chat and Video apps are now available in your AdminCP. You will find tutorials for enabling these in our knowledge base. This is a great way to get your users involved and interacting.
video main
In addition to those newly added features, we’ve added Facebook Connect, Google reCAPTCHA and Twemoji to our core product as apps.
Our Bootstrap theme is now our core default theme in order to fully extend our theme system in a more modern way. Clients and developers are able to make themes and flavors based on Bootstrap. Sync CSS has been integrated into the upgrade process to make it easier for upgrading. Theme changes can be exported and imported whenever needed. You’ll also notice some new themes in the store soon as well as some updated themes we needed to update for use with Bootstrap features. Those using Neutron theme will find it in the store tomorrow, still free.
As promised, our Apps system is improved for third party developers that have V3 modules to easily make them available as apps for V4 clients. Tutorials are almost done for our knowledge base developer section. This improvement will allow more apps to be added to the store as V3 developers bring their modules into the Apps system. Small tweaks might be needed in most cases but it won’t require a complete overhaul so this is a great change for V3 developers and for clients waiting for V3 modules to be made for V4. Note that themes for V3 will not work in V4 as the theme system won’t allow it.
We’ve got more coming folks! This is just the tip of the iceberg. For those that stuck around, you’ll be ecstatic with what’s coming and in your choice to hold course. For those thinking about purchasing, you might as well do it now as our pricing will be changing as mentioned in earlier blog posts.

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